It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not

10 February 2011

Di bawah rendangmu

Title entri punya la macam jiwang karat. Ok skrang bukan masanya...skrang masa MAKAN.  So, this is what we had for lunch yesterday...under a big huge tree

cendol pulut + kacang *drooling already?*

apam balik *sumpah sedap giler*
RM1.50 sekeping *murah* , nipis but full of fillings *waaahhh*

hah!! hambik kau

where? kat Senawang, nearby kawasan perindustrian Senawang (depan 7-Eleven)
Imann..waiting for his apam balik

Tasha, just a note: we had this after you got your x-ray. I'll be missing you the whole next week. Do your best at UPNM. You can do it!!


  1. apam balik tu kalau pekena yg coklat punya..aishhhhh :D

  2. ehhh, ni kat kedai sy ni, tu nampak signboard Klinik tu (white color) selang dua kedai je , lain kali singgah k.

  3. laaa tu ke kedai ko. nnti kita pekena cendol sama2 sana


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