It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not

24 March 2011

I'm still a muslim

I was told by a male friend of mine that I've been too 'outspoken' for discussing about Islam openly in FB.  He thinks I shouldn't talk about it in public especially in social network.  Why? because I'm freehair (unveil)? because I wear jean sendat (tight jeans), because I highlighted my hair (just for the record: I highlighted my hair because I think a few streaks need more attention than others haha!! not so funny eh?).  Is he trying to say that only the ustazah with tudung labuh and ustaz yang ada 2 tanda hitam kat dahi je boleh bincangkan hal ni.

All muslims have the right to discuss about Islam.  Don't make Islam a taboo topic amongst ourselves.  It's our religion.  If we can discuss freely about artists dressing inappropriately, about politician vid sex then why shouldn't we make things clear about our own religion??

just a thought . . .

p/s  I'm not perfect . . .


  1. Well, my opinion is, kalau kita benar benar tahu hukum then we hv the right to discuss about it. Kalau kita tak tahu hukumnya baik kita diam. Sbb apa yg kita ckp ini akan ditulis oleh Malaikat yg berada dikiri kanan kita, dan kita akan dihisab diakhirat kelak. So better jgn tambah dosa yg sedia ada. Dlm Islam kita tak boleh sama sekali mengeluarkan pendapat kita (this is the fact). Kita hanya boleh bercakap dgn hukum dan nas nas yg sahih. Kalau bercakap fasal fashion ke apa ke, lantaklah hal dunia kan, walaubagaimana pun still kita kena cakap benar tak leh tipu tipu pun. Cth paling mudah, buang sampah merata pun dikira dosa kita tu dan kalau ambil sampah yg kita nampak berterabur dan kita masukkan ke dalam tong sampah maka akan ditulis kebaikan utk kita. Macam tu lah. Wallahualam.

  2. Saya tak keluarkan fatwa

    Saya tak kata dlm Islam bleh dedah aurat, etc

    Saya cuma kata pakai jeans tidak haram

    Saya cuma tidak bsetuju dgn website yg mengatakan lelaki tidak boleh pakai jeans ke kenduri kawin, etc (sila refer websitu itu)

    It is wrong to judge others from their clothes, appearances,races,skin colors, weight, body shape...

    Our beliefs are same but we just look things at different perspectives.


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