Anak : Mama, mama baca tak blog Hazrey?
Aku : Nape? Blog journalist tu kan?
Mama : Ye, mama tau tak ada orang buat blog palsu guna gambar anak buah dia pastu kutuk K-Pop. Ada lebih 1000 orang komen kat blog dia
The rest of the story you can just click "Hazrey" on the right side of my "blog scandal".
Sekarang dia tahu bagaimana rasanya bila orang yang disayang kena buli in cyber. Not that I'm happy..of course not. It reminds me there are too many stupid people out there yang tidak mempedulikan perasaan orang lain dan and think that they can say anything to anyone anywhere. Don't they know that words can kill people?
But Hazrey also has to remember that what comes around goes around. In his blog he also hurt other people, intentionally or unintentionally. Maybe it's a joke for him but for some people it is condemning dan memalukan mereka, tak kira walaupun mereka artis atau orang biasa seperti aku. Yelah, his blog is popular so when he wrote something people tend to agree other than disagree. If terang-terang disagree nanti kena boo pula so yang tak disagree will take their revenge in other way.
Masa mula2 I read his blog aku suka sangat blog dia ni. But then aku rasa ada juga dia terlalu emosi bila menulis (sapa kat perempuan lebih emosi? lelaki pun kekadang over juga emosinya), especially bila dia jawab komen2. Yup, aku tulis ni sebab aku pernah tersentap bila dia jawab komen aku dengan begitu sarcastic. If it was a 12 years old boy it's ok but he's a journalist, bukan ke dia sepatutnya can read between the lines.
Anyway, I was thinking about removing all my photos here for security purposes. But then, sapa pulak nak yang nak buat camtu kat blog picisan yang cuma ada less than 10 followers ni. Now I see the bright side aku tak mempromosikan blog ni to get seringgit dua from Nuffnang. I can say out my heart here and nobody cares and aku tak perlu sangat nak jaga hati readers. Actually I'm more worried if my siblings reading this blog because they never know this side of me...even as siblings or more precise their kaklong, I never really speak my mind or heart with them. Semua simpan...sampai aku 'makan dalam'. Anyway, aku takpun reveal banyak kat blog. Mostly it's just only the surface of me. Banyak aku dah tapis kerana mak pernah pesan berdiam diri itu lebih baik jika apa yang ingin disuarakan itu akan menyakiti seseorang.
p/s Met my old best friend petang tadi. Kata2 dia banyak menyedarkan aku. Tapi aku sayang melepaskan 'dia'.