Tetiba sebelum tidur rasa ralat tak dapat pegi wedding anak buah kat Kuching. Takde duit..eh tak baik cakap takde kan? Tak cukup duit.
Last last the next morning pergi airport book ticket at MAS for 2 which cost almost RM2K. Actually, that tickets we save for a long vacation in Kuching on end year school holidays but we think this would be the last wedding in Usu Dara dan Usu Bujang family as we missed the wedding of their daughters so when their last child (only son) wedding, we could not miss it for the world. Looks like we have to save more money to replace the tickets for the next trip to Kuching with the kids.
We didn't bring our camera because it's broken and needs repair. Ambil gambar pakai kamera handphone.